Physical and Health Education What causes Obesity?

- No exercise/ not enough exercise

- Intake of junk food/fats everyday

- Craving

- Unbalanced amount of eating fats

- Unnecessary calories

- Not looking after your body

- Too much fats in diet

- Over eating

- Unhealthy foods/diet

- Lack of physical activity

- Medical reasons

- Lifestyle choices

Highlights about obesity: Obesity a big problem

They were much more children that are overweight now and didn't recognise that obesity is a diseases, and though that it is okay to be fat.Obesity was the underlying factor for chronic diseases such as diabetes. Being overweight are among the risk factors for type ll and gestational diabetes which occurs during pregnancy.

They are about 3 million obese Malaysians and the number was increasing while there were about five million individuals who suffer from varying degrees of diabetes , which is going to be a lifelong problem. The reduction in subsidies in items such as sugars and oil would compel Malaysians to consume less of such food items. Obesity is a major risk factor to many non-communicable diabetes such as diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, and certain types of cancers. And Malaysia is rank 1 for obesity in SE Aisa, 6th in Asia pacific causes in Malaysia.

List of unhealthy food

- Street food consist to have a lot of fatty foods

-Coconut milk-sweet/sugars

-Fried chicken


-Burgers and etc...

