Physical and Health Education Athlete Diet

Usain Bolt eats yam which is about177 calories per cup it contains 32 percent of our daily vitamin C, this food is to fight the post-workout of the muscle inflammation, 40 percent of the vitamin B6 is known as a natural booster to boost up his speed. And finally, 26 percents of the potassium requirements.

Everyday Meal:

Breakfast- Yellow yam, potato, banana which are being cooked, dumpling, salt fish and Ackee (it’s a tradition Jamaica dish)

Lunch- Chicken breast and pasta

Dinner- Rive with pork and peas.

Their diets need to be like this because out body stores carbohydrates as the glycogen in our liver and muscle, it allows the athelete to optimal their muscle function, and it’s because that Usian Bolt would also balanced out their meal about 8 calories which is about like 2 grams. They also need protein so that it would help them to make 20% of our body weight which is in the form of the skin, bone muscle, tissues and many other more.

My 3 day diet

What I eat the most in this 3 days diet is going to be chicken, biscuit and tea the total calories added up together might be 530 calories. The least food that I eat in these 3 days is rice with fish which is about 245 calories. I eat my breakfast every time is about 11 o’clock but when it comes to dinner I at in about 7-8 o’clock every time. I think that I don’t have a balanced diet because I didn’t eat much foods that are like fibre, vitamins and carbohydrate so don’t be like me EAT MORE VEGES is good for you although is not that delicious.

Terry Bradshaw (NFL player)

Injury- memories loss

-He still on medication, suffering can't remember some of the certain things

Marcus T

He cricket player, had anxiety issues

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